Meet the smallest member in our family, Kit. Or as DH calls him, DC. I'm sure you know what that stands for ::wink:: I may seem biased when it comes to my animals because I seem to talk quit a bit more about my dogs, possibly to the point I'm sure some of our friends and family don't even know we have a cat. We have only had him for a couple years and still I get a "Oh, I didn't know you had a cat" on occasion.
Kit started out as a temporary foster and turned into a forever cat when I just wouldn't give him back to his original owners. Long story but Kit was very different when he first came to us...then he is now.
I'm sure all pet owners says this but Kit isn't any normal cat. For starters, he about twice as big as a normal domestic house cat. He is very, very heavy too. I can barely hold him. He sleeps upside down and is obsessed with cardboard boxes. We have to keep one empty in the office just for him to lay in.
Every morning when my husbands alarm turns on, Kit gets up and walks all over him, purring and meowing until he wakes up. Kit has saved my sleepy husband numerous times when he is in such a deep sleep that he cannot hear his alarm because without fail when that it goes off, Kit starts that morning ritual of waking DH up. My husband is rarely late to work with Kit as a personal alarm clock
Kit "talks" and "listens". I know it sounds weird but that damn cat is so smart. He has learned to associate words (like treat, tuna, outside etc..) with actions just as the dogs have and reacts accordingly. He is amazing. He also has a very recognizable meow's when he wants food and when he wants to be let downstairs. They are very different from the normal meow and both are very unique. We have all learned them and if we ignore them, he starts trouble! He will race through the house, jump up on the kitchen table or counters, run through our legs and scratch at the doorknob until someone pays attention to his needs. His behavior is hard to deny. The kids call him "Psycho Kitty" when he acts like this.
Kit is the leader among the animals in our house. He is also the disciplinarian. He swats the dogs when they counter surf, he swats them when they bark, he swats them when they steal his food but nothing compares to what he does when I catch them getting in trouble. He beats the living crap out of them! I cannot discipline the dogs around Kit or he lashes out at them. If I raise my voice at them or say "NO" to them he runs from wherever he is napping, puts back his ears, hisses and starts letting claws fly. I'll admit it, I laugh hysterically when Kit does this. I seriously cannot help it. There is nothing funnier than watching a cat make a 50 lb dog look like a wuss. These poor dogs bow down to Kit.
This furball has a huge piece of my heart and is an amazing addition to our family. I think Kit is grateful for the life we have provided him and lets us know each and every day. We really don't know what our lives would be without him.
What a cutie?!? I grew up with cats and love them so much. Unfortunately, I married a man with HORRIBLE allergies and we can't have one :( He is beautiful!
I didn't know that you had a cat! ;) No really. . . I didn't! haha
He is ADORABLE. I love him. =D
He sounds just like Elvis. . .Elvis is SO smart! Elvis even knows how to sit! YAY for kitties!!!
I wish I could have 9413548 more of them, but then that is just 9413548 more things for my heart to get close to and 9413548 reasons to cry when they're not around anymore. [Obviously, I learned that part when we lost Jesse. :( ]
Foster animals are the best! Your husband is lucky for the wake-up call...can Kit come help out my husband? He cannot get up in the morning!?!
Very cute. We have a dog and he is a huge part of our lives. We love him alot.
That was such a sweet story! I am allergic to cats and so have never had any, but he sounds like an awesome kitty. How wonderful for your family.
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